Exhausted, Overwhelmed, Stuck? ADHD Doesn't Have to Hold You Back!


Are you a high-achieving woman,

but your ADHD keeps throwing you off track?

You juggle a million tasks, feel constantly overwhelmed, and never seem to get ahead?

It's time to break free.


Create Systems To Thrive For Your ADHD

A 4-week live coaching, support and guidance from me so you can finally thrive and stop surviving in your personal and professional life

Does this sound like you at the moment....

  • Do you feel like you're on a hamster wheel?

  • You set ambitious goals, push yourself hard, but ADHD keeps throwing you off track?

  • Countless to-do lists become overwhelming burdens, focus gets hijacked, and the end of the day leaves you feeling drained?

  • You know you're capable, but achieving your full potential feels impossible?

  • Does your ADHD feel like a constant battle?

  • And you want to regain control & achieve your goals?

  • You're a powerhouse, but to-do lists pile up, focus gets scattered, and exhaustion sets in?

  • Then you tell yourself... "I know I can do this, but where do I even begin?

This program will equip you to build powerful systems

so you can finally win with your ADHD

Guess what? ADHD is not just a diagnosis, it's a brain difference ability!

It’s just a difference in your brain that requires special owner's user manual

Because, even if adulting came with a manual, it wouldn't work for your brain

What you need is a system that actually works for your unique brain

During this 4-week program, together we will...


Identifying and re-align your goals & values.

Building Systems & strategies for Productivity

Building systems and strategies to make your work-life become harmonious and up-level your productivity

creating your life's blueprint

Create your blueprint plan and actionable plans for the most important part of your ADHD or life that needs immediate attention

Building Momentum & Maintaining Progress through community & accountability

Discover techniques for staying accountable and explore the benefits of working with an accountability partner.

You will also learn how to adapt and evolve your systems over time to maintain progress and maximize your long-term goals through the power of a community

What if you could go from working 10X harder than everyone else with minimal results in your productivity to having a personalized blueprint that allows you to thrive with ease?

As a busy mom of 3, a physician, & multi-passionate entrepreneur no cookie cutter systems could work for me.

So, I created my systems that allows me to thrive (not just survive) in all areas of my life!


Hi... I am Dr. Lola Day

Before the world knew me as Dr. Lola Day, the double-boarded physician, mother of 3, entrepreneur, and productivity + work-life strategist and ADHD trained Coach for women, I was Dr. Lola Day, the chronically exhausted and overwhelmed mother with ADHD.

I worked 10 x harder to accomplish my life goals while wearing the SUPERWOMAN mantra.

Not surprisingly, I became burnt out and had a nervous breakdown which forced me to freeze time which is hard for my ADHD brain!

I knew something had to change! I did not want to quit my job or worse GET FIRED, I loved my job. I also had other aspirations including having well-balanced thriving children.

I decided to stop being in denial about my diagnosis and actually confront my ADHD brain by accepting and cultivating my superpowers (assets) while creating roadblocks to my kryptonite (the liabilities) that affected me.

It worked! I became more focused on the things that mattered to me by creating strategies for me, my family, my work, and my community.

I know how it feels to feel hopeless, I also know how it feels when the strategies when implemented appropriately actually start to work. I have used this strategies for countless of women with ADHD, and if this works for them imagine how much more it will work for you.

Waking up feeling energized and focused.

Your to-do list no longer feels like a mountain, but a clear path to accomplishment.

You breeze through tasks, staying on track without the constant battle against distractions.

This is the reality for countless high-achieving women with ADHD who have harnessed the power of systems through this program!

Thrive, Not Just Survive

Build a life that works for you, not against you. Gain the tools and strategies to manage your ADHD and achieve success in all areas of life, leading to greater well-being and fulfillment.

Stop Feeling Like a Fraud & Embrace Your Power

This program will help you reframe your ADHD as a superpower and leverage its unique strengths to build confidence and achieve the success you deserve.

Ditch the All-Nighters & Weekend Scrambles

Say goodbye to late-night cramming sessions and frantic weekend work. This program equips you with systems to manage your workload efficiently, leaving you free time to recharge and enjoy life outside of work.

Don't Let ADHD Hold You Back Any Longer

Sign up for Create Systems to Thrive program now and conquer the day, with a clear roadmap to accomplishment

If you procrastinate about signing up, it means:

Another month of feeling overwhelmed - The longer you wait, the more tasks pile up and the harder it becomes to gain control.

Missing out on valuable tools and strategies - Every day is an opportunity to learn how to manage your ADHD and unlock your full potential. Don't wait another minute.

Postponing the life you deserve - This program empowers you to build a life filled with ease, accomplishment, and happiness.

Why wait? Invest in yourself today! These limited spots are filling fast.

Secure your spot and start creating the life you've always dreamed of.


We're so confident you'll love this program that we offer a 7-day money-back guarantee.

If you're not 100% satisfied with the value you receive from the "Create Systems to Thrive for Your ADHD" workshop, simply contact us within 7 days, and we'll issue a full refund. No questions asked.

This guarantee eliminates any risk for you. The only risk is missing out on the opportunity to finally take control of your ADHD and achieve the success you deserve.


I always felt like I was on the verge of burnout. After taking the CST program, I created personalized systems that boosted my productivity. Now, I lead my company with confidence and finally feels like I have a healthy work-life balance.


I used to feel like I was running on fumes. Tasks piled up, and focus was a constant struggle. After taking this program, I created my personalized systems that streamlined my workflow. Now, I confidently manage a demanding caseload while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. I even finally feel like I have time for that yoga class I've been wanting to try


Thank you for this powerful workshop. I had an amazing time exploring, prioritizing and planning. Now I can confidently say I am thriving with my ADHD and not just gliding through life. You are awesome Dr. Lola!



For that women with busy life or distracted brain who is ready to stop surviving and start thriving in life



Sign Up for

Create Systems to Thrive - $497

Which includes;

  • 4 live sessions with Dr. Lola Day

  • Access to templates & worksheets

  • The Lola Planner (3 months bundle)

  • Guides to keep building your systems after the workshop

  • Other additional bonuses

Sign up for

Create Systems to Thrive + 1 Year Access in the Wealthy Life Community - $997

Which includes;

  • Access to our productivity vault

  • Monthly coaching/masterclass for continue support

  • Weekly and monthly planning sessions

  • Accountability squads and access to future workshops for free

  • The Lola Planner (one year bundle)

  • Connect and network with other high-achieving women with ADHD

Your information
Your infoPayment Details


When is this Happening?

The live sessions begins on Tuesday May 7th, 8:00 PM EST

Do you have scholarships for your program?

Unfortunately, we don't have any. But you can consider discussing with your employer as working on your planning will increase your productivity at work.

I've tried other productivity systems before, but nothing seems to stick. Will this be different?

Absolutely! This workshop focuses on creating personalized systems specifically tailored to your unique ADHD brain. We go beyond generic productivity tips and dig deep into the neurobiology of ADHD to understand how your brain works best. This empowers you to design systems that fit your needs and learning style, leading to lasting results.

How can I get 1:1 coaching?

We have many coaches and Dr. Lola Day that will be happy to help you! After joining the session, you can sign up for additional 1:1 coaching at time that works best for you and the coach. Contact our support at hello@lollietasking.com for this.

Is CST program only for women with ADHD?

No, non-ADHD women are also welcome

I'm really busy, will this workshop take up too much time?

We understand! This program is designed for busy high-achieving women with ADHD. The program is delivered in 4 manageable weekly sessions and includes downloadable resources to maximize your learning without overwhelming your schedule.

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